Atlas AI Unveils Enhanced Wide Area Monitoring Solution

Fostering Resilient Communities Through Economic Intelligence


In the mid-2000s, few could have predicted the transformative growth that would sweep through Williston, North Dakota. As the shale oil boom took hold, this small town of about 12,000 saw its population surge by over 80% in just five years. Local infrastructure buckled under the sudden influx, housing prices skyrocketed, and businesses scrambled to keep pace. Yet official data lagged far behind the reality on the ground. By the time federal statistics reflected the true scale of Williston's transformation, local leaders had already spent years grappling with challenges they couldn't fully quantify or anticipate. This stark example underscores a critical issue: in our rapidly changing world, traditional methods of monitoring economic development are often too slow and limited in scope to capture real-time changes effectively, making local agency data, projects, programs and policies out-of-date before they have a chance to make a difference.

To address this critical gap, Atlas AI is launching an enhanced version of our solution for monitoring changes to the built environment and natural resources around the world. Aperture® Pulse is a Wide Area Monitoring capability that is now available as a new deployment mode within the Atlas AI Aperture® platform and product suite.

Wide Area Monitoring is the process of applying statistical methods to earth observation data such as satellite imagery in near real-time, to extract useful information such as the change in built environment density and utilization, or changes in land use and land cover (LULC).  Below we share more about the key capabilities of the WAM solution, the applications they support, and how agencies can quickly obtain and scale this solution for their critical needs.

Aperture® Pulse: Detecting Local Change at Global Scale

Wide Area Monitoring (WAM) represents a significant advancement in how we observe and analyze large-scale changes to both natural and built environments, which inform how local communities and economies are evolving. Atlas AI's WAM solution utilizes satellite imagery, machine learning algorithms, and other geospatial data sources to provide a comprehensive view of vast geographic areas. The platform offers three key capabilities:

  1. Rapid Change Detection: The system can identify changes within days of their occurrence, often much faster than traditional data sources such as real estate records or surveys.
  2. Change Characterization: Beyond detection, the solution analyzes and categorizes the type of change that has occurred, providing context and meaning to the observed shifts.
  3. Ongoing Monitoring: Once a change is detected, the system can initiate ongoing monitoring of the area/site, allowing users to track the evolution of the landscape over time.
Detect development of new industrial buildings and monitor pace of construction over time

The applications of Aperture® Pulse are diverse and impactful across various sectors:

  • Urban Planning and Development: Pulse enables city planners to track urban sprawl and land use changes in near real-time. This allows for more responsive urban management, helping cities adapt to rapid growth and ensure sustainable development. Planners can monitor infrastructure projects as they progress, assessing their impact on surrounding areas and making data-driven decisions about future developments.
  • Environmental Management & Resource Planning: Environmental agencies can monitor the impacts of climate change on landscapes, from shifting vegetation patterns to changes in water bodies and coastlines. This timely information supports effective conservation strategies and helps in assessing the success of environmental policies.
  • Business Expansion Strategy: Companies use Pulse to identify early indicators of economic growth or decline in specific areas, informing market entry decisions with up-to-date landscape intelligence. By analyzing patterns of development and population movement, businesses can optimize their expansion strategies and tailor their offerings to emerging market needs.
  • Supply Chain Intelligence: Pulse provides valuable insights for supply chain management. Companies can monitor the development of transportation infrastructure, such as new roads or port expansions, allowing them to optimize logistics routes. Additionally, they can track changes in industrial areas or agricultural regions, helping to identify potential disruptions or opportunities in their supply chains.
  • Disaster Recovery: After natural disasters, Pulse plays a crucial role in recovery efforts. It allows rapid assessment of damage to infrastructure and buildings, helping to prioritize aid and reconstruction efforts. Over time, it can track the progress of rebuilding, ensuring that recovery efforts are effective and resources are allocated efficiently.

By providing these insights efficiently and accurately, Atlas AI's Wide Area Monitoring solution enables organizations to develop data-driven strategies based on current, real-world conditions.

Empowering Local Governance with Wide Area Monitoring

State and local government agencies have emerged as enthusiastic adopters of Wide Area Monitoring (WAM) solutions, recognizing their potential to transform urban management and governance. These agencies leverage WAM to address a multitude of interconnected challenges, from urban planning and economic development to environmental protection and disaster response. For instance, a mid-sized city might use Aperture® Pulse to simultaneously track suburban development, identify areas for industrial incentives, monitor flood extent, and optimize infrastructure planning—all from a single, integrated platform.

The power of WAM lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive, near real-time view of a jurisdiction, enabling more responsive and data-driven decision-making. By detecting and analyzing changes quickly and accurately, local governments can allocate resources more efficiently, enhance public safety, and improve quality of life for residents. As cities and states face increasing pressures from rapid urbanization, climate change, and economic shifts, we expect that Aperture Pulse will become an essential tool for cost effective, forward-thinking governance.

Harnessing Pulse to detect new construction sites and monitor compliance

Learn More

Aperture® Pulse stands out as the lowest-cost solution on the market, uniquely capable of observing vast geographic areas while reliably alerting agencies to an array of relevant hyperlocal changes, including new construction, structural damage, depletion of natural resources and changes in land use. Planners and operations specialists can order a recent WAM change report by specifying just a few parameters such as their neighborhood of interest, the time period in which they want to document change, and the specific key performance indicators (KPIs) that serve their application. The purchase process is as simple as a credit card transaction or drawdown on credits for those with existing purchase orders.

By harnessing cutting-edge GeoAI technology, Atlas AI provides organizations with timely insights into economic activities, population shifts, and resource utilization at both macro and micro scales, enabling more agile and informed decision-making in a dynamic global landscape.

For more information and to discuss the Aperture Pulse wide area monitoring solution with an Atlas AI team member please reach out to us at

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