Alex Masika

Business Development Lead - Africa

Alex is a seasoned professional with over 15 years’ experience in the energy, IT and innovation sectors. His role at Atlas is to oversee the development of new partnerships and customers in Africa and is part of the core team that leads the delivery of valuable software and insights into organizations across the continent.

An important role for the core team is to define Atlas AI roadmap in close consultation with clients so as to make significant advances at the intersection of AI and economic development.

Alex has previously worked for Chevron Energy, Digital Divide Data -an International Social Enterprise, Google Kenya and BRCK in various capacities and has played a big role in driving tech innovation, customer relationship development and in enhancing revenue.

He is extremely passionate about technology that brings about positive disruption and tech that transforms people's lives, especially in emerging markets in Africa. This has led him to contributing and serving in various boards such as the Marketing Society of Kenya (2013 – 2021),Kenya Private Sector ICT board (2019 – current) and was also a contributor to the Kenya National ICT masterplan 2019.

He has also participated in international innovation challenges and won 1st prize at the prestigious ITU telecom world awards held in Bangkok - 2016.